Acceptable Use Policy
This Acceptable Use Policy and Conditions of Use (“AUP”) defines the rules and conditions that govern your access to and use (including transmission, processing, and storage of data) of the resources and services (“Services”) as applies to all the users of the Advanced Computing and e-Science Group computing services.
Corporate Level SLA
This Corporate Service Level agreement (SLA) is valid for all IT services provided by the IFCA Advanced Computing and e-Science group, if no other agreements are in place. The Corporate Level SLA may be extended or replaced by specific SLAs.
Information security policy according to the National Security Scheme (ENS)
This Information security policy according to the National Security Scheme applies to all the users of the Advanced Computing and e-Science Group computing services.
Information Security Policy for External Suppliers
This Information Security Policy for External Suppliers applies to all external suppliers of the Advanced Computing and e-Science Group computing services.
Integrated Quality and Information Security Policy
This Integrated Quality and Information Security Policy applies to all the users of the Advanced Computing and e-Science Group computing services.
Privacy Policy
We are committed to preserving your privacy. In the following sections we explain how we use and protect your information obtained from using our website, services provided through it, or any other Advanced Computing and e-Science Group computing services. In addition, you will learn which rights you have with regard to the processing of your data.
Terms of Use
These Terms of Use (“TOU”) represent a binding legal contract between you and the Provider. The TOU mandate your access to and the use of Provider’s website, together with all content, services available at or through any service linking to this TOU (the “Services”).