2023 - Distributed computing at the Advanced Computing and e-Science group


Deadline: open until all positions are covered

Contact: alvaro.lopez@csic.es 

The Advanced Computing and e-Science group at the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA), Santander (Spain), is coordinating and participating in several European initiatives to implement cloud-based services for artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science in the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). We are seeking for motivated full-time developers and experts in cloud computing with knowledge on the deployment and operation of distributed computing tools and infrastructures.

For each of the positions we offer an indefinite contract from January 2023. The gross annual salary will start at 30,000 €, according to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) scales and the candidate qualifications. The contract includes all the benefits of the Spanish Public Health and Social Security system. Applications are welcome until the positions are filled.  

Starting date: January/February 2023.

2022 - Distributed computing and software developers


Deadline: open until all positions are covered

Contact: alvaro.lopez@csic.es 

The Advanced Computing and e-Science group at the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA), Santander (Spain), is coordinating and participating in several European initiatives to implement cloud-based services for artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science in the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). We are seeking for motivated full-time developers and experts in cloud computing with knowledge on the deployment and operation of distributed computing tools and infrastructures.

For each of the positions we offer a 3-year contract from September 2022 up to August 2025. The gross annual salary will start at 30,000 €, according to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) scales and the candidate qualifications. The contract includes all the benefits of the Spanish Public Health and Social Security system. Applications are welcome until the positions are filled.  

Starting date: September 2022.

2021 - FACE Platform open positions


Deadline: open until all positions are covered

Contact: aloga@ifca.unican.es, face@ifisc.uib-csic.es

FACE consortium is seeking Data Scientists, App developers, Data Engineers and Distributed Computing experts to build a data-driven modelling and simulation platform in the context of social and epidemiological models.

FACE (FAIR Computational Epidemiology) is a consortium of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), participated by institutes located in different Spanish cities: IFCA (Santander), IFISC (Palma de Mallorca), CEAB (Blanes, Catalonia) and IEGD (Madrid) and will be operative at least until December 2022. We are now seeking ten full-time experts in computing with the skills, know-how and the spirit to face the challenges inherent in this research project.

For each of the positions we offer a 1.5-year (18 months) contract from June-July 2021 up to December 31st 2022. The gross annual salary will be between  30000€ and 40000€, according to the CSIC scales and the candidate qualifications. The contract includes all the benefits of the Spanish Public Health and Social Security system. Applications are welcome until the positions are filled. Upon agreement, remote work is an option. 

Starting date: preferably June-July 2021.

2021 - Distributed computing open positions


Deadline: open until all positions are covered

Contact: alvaro.lopez@csic.es 

The Advanced Computing and e-Science group at the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA), Santander (Spain), is seeking for motivated full-time experts in computing with a background in the deployment and operation of distributed computing tools and infrastructures. For each of the positions we offer a 1.5-year contract from August-September 2021 up to December 31st 2022. The gross annual salary will start at 30000€, according to the CSIC scales and the candidate qualifications. The contract includes all the benefits of the Spanish Public Health and Social Security system. Applications are welcome until the positions are filled.  

Starting date: preferably September 2021.

2020-07 - Graduado informático - Garantía Juvenil CSIC 2020



Contact: aloga@ifca.unican.es

Código de contrato: CS20_CAN_IFCA_01

Categoría: CS20_CAN_IFCA_01

Dirigido a: Grado en Informática de Gestión o Grado en Informática y Sistemas Informáticos

Jóvenes no ocupados y que no cursen estudios ni formación, a través de la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil y el Fondo Social Europeo.

Trabajos en Areás de Mantenimiento Hardware/Software, herramientas con conocimientos de SO linux y monitorización de los sistemas - Puesta a punto de aplicaciones en entorno webs con bases de datos e incorporar nuevos " framework services” para trazabilidad de los experimentos en los que trabajamos.

Solicitudes: del 16 al 29 de julio, ambos inclusive


De acuerdo a la base 5 de la convocatoria, quienes deseen participar en el proceso selectivo deberán acceder a la aplicación electrónica habilitada al efecto en la sede electrónica del CSIC, dentro de la publicación de la convocatoria,  y cumplimentar el formulario de solicitud (botón Anexo II).

Una vez que se hace efectiva la solicitud realizada electrónicamente, se generará un documento  .pdf  (Anexo II) que deberá ser impreso y firmado por las personas interesadas, y que deberán presentar según se indica en la base 5.3 de la convocatoria.

2019-10 - Software Engineer (Python)



Contact: aloga@ifca.unican.es

Our group is part of a joint research center between the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Cantabria (UC), offering “enhanced” Science (or e-Science) to the researchers, where they can interact through the network, sharing computing resources to support their larger needs for simulation, data storage and transfer, analysis, and collaborative work. Among other things we build and maintain software and cloud infrastructures for scientific computing and research.

We are looking for a software engineer with Python experience to join our group with a 1 + 1 year contract. This is an excellent opportunity available for a motivated and experienced Software Developer, as you will be able to participate in the launch of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in Spain, building and maintaining the software (integration modules, submission systems, web portals, etc.) that will be used in production-grade infrastructures in the context of the EGI Federated Cloud and the EOSC. The selected candidate will have the opportunity to interact with distributed infrastructures and execute programming tasks on systems of moderate size. You will be expected to contribute to all phases of a collaborative project, including programming, analysing, designing, developing, implementing, modifying, and maintaining computer programs. You will participate in the launch of the European Open Science Cloud in Spain.

2019-04 - [PREDOC] Implementing Advanced Computing Techniques in the European Open Science Cloud



Contact: aloga@ifca.unican.es, drodrig@ifca.unican.es

The María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence Instituto de Física de Cantabria offers up to 7 Predoctoral and Science Engineering positions on a number of fields (Particle Physic, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Distributed Computing, and Climate) connected to the prioritized research of the MdM project. The successful candidate will be contracted for up to 4 years with a gross annual salary in the range 16400-21300€, depending on experience. The positions also include additional funds for travelling and training.

Four contracts will start in September-October 2019 (first round) and the remaining in mid 2020 (second round). The deadline for applications for the first round is  10/07/2019.

Applications must be sent to mdmifca-info@ifca.unican.es including a CV, publication record, a brief description of relevant experience and research interests, and arrange for three recommendation letters to be sent to that e-mail address. For specific questions about each research line please contact the corresponding contact person. For any inquiries about the job please send an e-mail to mdmifca-info@ifca.unican.es

2019-04 - [PREDOC] Data Science techniques applied to Big Data in Open Science



Contact: lloret@ifca.unican.es, aguilarf@ifca.unican.es

The María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence Instituto de Física de Cantabria offers up to 7 Predoctoral and Science Engineering positions on a number of fields (Particle Physic, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Distributed Computing, and Climate) connected to the prioritized research of the MdM project. The successful candidate will be contracted for up to 4 years with a gross annual salary in the range 16400-21300€, depending on experience. The positions also include additional funds for travelling and training.

Four contracts will start in September-October 2019 (first round) and the remaining in mid 2020 (second round). The deadline for applications for the first round is  10/07/2019.

Applications must be sent to mdmifca-info@ifca.unican.es including a CV, publication record, a brief description of relevant experience and research interests, and arrange for three recommendation letters to be sent to that e-mail address. For specific questions about each research line please contact the corresponding contact person. For any inquiries about the job please send an e-mail to mdmifca-info@ifca.unican.es

If you are interested, please send an email to the contact address listed above in order to get more information on the positions.

2019-03 - Implementing Advanced Computing Techniques in the European Open Science Cloud



Contact: aloga@ifca.unican.es

The María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence Instituto de Física de Cantabria offers up to 7 Postdoctoral and Science Engineering positions on a number of fields (Particle Physic, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Distributed Computing, and Climate) connected to the prioritized research lines detailed below. The successful candidate will be contracted for up to 3 years with a gross annual salary in the range 34100-41600€, depending on experience. The positions also include additional funds for travelling and stays in other research centres. The starting date is negotiable.

This call will be open until each position is covered with a suitable candidate. A first deadline to review the applications is set to 01/06/2019.

Applications must be sent to mdmifca-info@ifca.unican.es including a CV, publication record, a brief description of relevant experience and research interests, and arrange for three recommendation letters to be sent to that e-mail address. For specific questions about each research line please contact the corresponding contact person. For any inquiries about the job please send an e-mail to mdmifca-info@ifca.unican.es

We are looking for a postdoctoral or science engineer candidate to work on Implementing Advanced Computing Techniques in different contexts, including the European Open Science Cloud. Our group started has setup a first level computing infrastructure at national level, with visibility at international level, and participation in numerous EU projects: coordination of the FP6 Interactive European Grid, deployment of a Tier-2 center for CMS (LHC), and setup of the ALTAMIRA supercomputer (top500) at the University of Cantabria. The group has launched initiatives like the integration of instrumentation in the e-infrastructure, support to multidisciplinary applications, in particular for Biodiversity (coordinating the LifeWatch Competence Center), and more recently on deep learning techniques. We manage different computing infrastructures such as HTC, HPC and Cloud Computing (we are involved in the EGI Federated Cloud and we are very active in the OpenStack community) supporting a number of scientific applications. Currently, the group is participating in different H2020 projects related to computing and infrastructures, like AARC2, EOSC-hub, eXtreme-DataCloud and coordinating the DEEP-HybridDataCloud project. The selected candidate will integrate in a multidisciplinar team and will be working in collaboration with partners across Europe. The selected person will be expected to plan and deliver project related work in a timely fashion, and take responsibility of specifics pieces of work. In addition, the candidate will be encouraged to propose, plan and carry out his/her own related research.

2019-03 - Data Science techniques applied to Big Data in Open Science



Contact: lloret@ifca.unican.es

The María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence Instituto de Física de Cantabria offers up to 7 Postdoctoral and Science Engineering positions on a number of fields (Particle Physic, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Distributed Computing, and Climate) connected to the prioritized research lines detailed below. The successful candidate will be contracted for up to 3 years with a gross annual salary in the range 34100-41600€, depending on experience. The positions also include additional funds for travelling and stays in other research centres. The starting date is negotiable.

This call will be open until each position is covered with a suitable candidate. A first deadline to review the applications is set to 01/06/2019.

Applications must be sent to mdmifca-info@ifca.unican.es including a CV, publication record, a brief description of relevant experience and research interests, and arrange for three recommendation letters to be sent to that e-mail address. For specific questions about each research line please contact the corresponding contact person. For any inquiries about the job please send an e-mail to mdmifca-info@ifca.unican.es

Our group is looking for a postdoctoral or technical candidate to work on the application of novel Data Science techniques, including Machine Learning/Deep Learning, to a wide variety of problems ranging from biodiversity, satellite imaging, physics or medical diagnosis through images, among others. Our group is currently involved in two European projects, Deep-Hybrid-DataCloud (DEEP) and eXtreme-DataCloud (XDC), both with Pilot Cases on several research domains as the ones described above. The DEEP project provides, under the label DEEP as a Service, a set of building blocks enabling the easy development of applications requiring cutting-edge techniques. The applications are deployed in the project testbed integrating Cloud Computing-based solutions and offered to the research communities linked to the project through pilot applications, and integrated under the European Open Science Cloud framework. On the other side, the XDC project aims at developing scalable technologies for federating storage resources and managing data in highly distributed computing environments, as required by the most demanding, data-intensive research experiments in Europe and worldwide. The candidate will be required to get involved in the main activities of these two projects covering all the different aspects related to the application of Data Science and Data Management techniques.  In addition, the candidate will be encouraged to propose, plan and carryout his/her own related research. 

2019-02 - Job opportunity

2 Undergraduate positions on Data Science (INPhINIT La Caixa fellowship programme)



Contact: aloga@ifca.unican.es

La Caixa offers 35 PhD fellowships for early-stage researchers of any nationality to pursue their PhD studies in research centres accredited with the Spanish Seal of Excellence Severo Ochoa, María de Maeztu or Health Institute Carlos III and Portuguese units accredited as “excellent” or “exceptional” according to the evaluation of the Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia. This frame is addressed exclusively to PhD research projects on STEM disciplines: life sciences and health, experimental sciences, physics, chemistry and mathematics.

The Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria has been awarded as "Unit of Excellence Maria de Maeztu" by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and the Advanced Computing is offering two undergraduate positions under this framework.

The doctoral INPhINIT fellows will enjoy a 3-year contract under the Spanish labour legislation in force, respecting health and safety, and social security provisions in a stimulating research training environment, with access to appropriate equipment, facilities and opportunities.

2018-12 - Job opportunity

Python software developer



Contact: aloga@ifca.unican.es

We are looking for a Python developer to join our group with a 2-year contract.

Among other things we build and maintain software and cloud infrastructures for scientific computing and research. This is an excellent opportunity available for a motivated and experienced Software Developer to help build and maintain software (integration modules, submission systems, web portals, etc.) that will be used in production-grade infrastructures in the context of the EGI Federated Cloud and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

You will interact with complex distributed infrastructures and execute programming tasks on systems of moderate size and complexity or segments of larger systems. You will be expected to contribute to all phases of a collaborative project, including programming, analysing, designing, developing, implementing, modifying, and maintaining computer programs.

2018-10 - Job opportunity

Undergraduate position on Data Science



Contact: aloga@ifca.unican.es

There is an open undergraduate position at IFCA in order to work with us towards a PhD. This is a multidisciplinary position shared with the Meteorology Group for highly motivated MSc graduates (this is a competitive call).

We offer a 4-year contract under the FPI programme of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. The complete call text and online submission procedure can be found under this linkApplications close on .

Our project is listed under the "Listado proyectos Severo Ochoa y María de Maeztu.pdf" file. The details are the following:

  • Reference: MDM-2017-0765-18-2.
  • Title: Data Science techniques applied to Big Data in Open Science.
  • Description: This thesis project will focus on the application of data science techniques (machine learning and deep learning among others) to analyze Big Data volumes in the areas of meteorology, computer security or fraud detection. This is a multidisciplinary work involving the  implementation and exploitation of Big Data tools to efficiently analize the data volumes and the development of Open Science services in the context of the European Open Science Cloud and the related EU projects. The fellow will interact with internationalcollaborations and projects where the IFCA's Meteorology and Advanced Computing and e-Science Groups are involved.

[Garantía Juvenil] Soporte al despliegue de herramientas de procesado de datos y BigData



Contacto: aloga@ifca.unican.es

Se ofrece un contrato para personal técnico con destino en el Grupo de Computación Avanzada y e-Ciencia (Advanced Computing and e-Science Group) mediante la modalidad de contrato en prácticas, para la promoción del empleo joven e implantación de la Garantía Juvenil en I+D+i.

Las tareas a realizar para el perfil de soporte a las herramientas de procesado de datos se citan a continuación:

  • Definición, instalación, mantenimiento y soporte de sistemas de acceso a sistemas remotos.

  • Identificación, instalación, mantenimiento y soporte de los siguientes tipos de herramientas en la infraestructura del IFCA:

    • Sistemas de ingestión de flujos de datos y analítica (como Kafka, Flink, Spark Streaming).

    • Sistemas de analítica distribuida (como Spark).

    • Sistemas de procesados de datos (como Hadoop).

    • Sistemas de bases de datos, tanto SQL como noSQL.

  • Instalación y soporte de paquetes de simulación y modelización.

  • Despliegue de herramientas de visualización de datos.

  • Gestión de repositorios de datos (Open Data) y de software libre ligados al IFCA, incluyendo la adaptación y soporte de herramientas DMP (Data Management Plan).

  • Identificación, estudio y adaptación de nuevos casos de uso que utilicen las herramientas desplegadas.

  • Soporte y formación a usuarios de estas soluciones.

Las instrucciones para presentar las candidaturas se pueden encontrar en el siguiente enlace de la sede electrónica del CSIC: https://sede.csic.gob.es/servicios/formacion-y-empleo/convocatorias-personal/-/convocatoria/37560

[Garantía Juvenil] Apoyo a la gestión de proyectos, difusión y explotación de resultados de investigación



Contacto: aloga@ifca.unican.es

Se ofrece un contrato para personal técnico con destino en el Grupo de Computación Avanzada y e-Ciencia (Advanced Computing and e-Science Group) mediante la modalidad de contrato en prácticas, para la promoción del empleo joven e implantación de la Garantía Juvenil en I+D+i.

Las tareas a realizar por el personal de apoyo a la gestión de proyectos, difusión y explotación de resultados consisten en:

  • Ayuda en la gestión de proyectos (organización de reuniones, informes de actividad, seguimiento de publicaciones, etc.) tanto europeos como nacionales en marcha.

  • Ayuda en la elaboración de propuestas en siguientes convocatorias.

  • Realización de actividades de comunicación dentro de los diferentes proyectos en marcha, tales como organización de reuniones periódicas, elaboración de boletines de noticias, etc.

  • Mantenimiento de los materiales de documentación y difusión de las actividades llevadas a cabo por el grupo.

  • Elaboración de informes de uso de la infraestructura, recursos y las aplicaciones, tanto en formato de memorias técnicas como notas de prensa y memorias de difusión.

  • Apoyo al diseño y ejecución de acciones de difusión a nivel local (exposiciones, visitas, workshops, charlas y conferencias)

  • Apoyo al diseño y ejecución de acciones de difusión a nivel nacional e internacional, incluyendo jornadas de usuarios y jornadas técnicas.

  • Mantenimiento del catálogo de servicios y seguimiento de las iniciativas de transferencia tecnológica.

Las instrucciones para presentar las candidaturas se pueden encontrar en el siguiente enlace de la sede electrónica del CSIC: https://sede.csic.gob.es/servicios/formacion-y-empleo/convocatorias-personal/-/convocatoria/37560

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