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2023 - Distributed computing at the Advanced Computing and e-Science group (IFCA Advanced Computing and e-Science)
2020-07 - Graduado informático - Garantía Juvenil CSIC 2020 (IFCA Advanced Computing and e-Science)
[Garantía Juvenil] Soporte al despliegue de herramientas de procesado de datos y BigData (IFCA Advanced Computing and e-Science)
[Garantía Juvenil] Apoyo a la gestión de proyectos, difusión y explotación de resultados de investigación (IFCA Advanced Computing and e-Science)
2019-04 - [PREDOC] Data Science techniques applied to Big Data in Open Science (IFCA Advanced Computing and e-Science)
2019-04 - [PREDOC] Implementing Advanced Computing Techniques in the European Open Science Cloud (IFCA Advanced Computing and e-Science)