Versions Compared


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  • sbatch <job script>: submits a job script to the queue system (see below for job script directives).
  • squeue  [-u user ]: shows all the jobs submitted by all users or by the user if you specify the -u option.
  • scancel <job id>: removes his/her job from the queue system, canceling the execution of the job if it was already running.
  • scrontab [-u user] <file>: set, edit, and remove a user's Slurm-managed crontab. This file can define a number of recurring batch jobs to run on a scheduled interval. Use the same sintaxis as cron. More info at scrontab.

On the other way, you can also launch your jobs in an interactive way to run your session in one of the compute node you have requested (used eventually for graphical applications, etc) :


Code Block
#SBATCH --job-name=hello
#SBATCH --output=hello.out
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task= 4 # The job spawns in 4 cores
#SBATCH --time=10:00
# From here the job starts
# srun only works with th
module load OPENMPI/4.1.0 

# echo of commands
set -x

# To compute in the submission directory

# number of OpenMP threads

# Binding OpenMP threads on core
export OMP_PLACES=cores

# execution with 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' OpenMP threads
srun sleep 60

Examples of scrontab files:

To create a job that would run at the beginning of each hour, uc00 account and have a walltime of 1 minute, you would add the following to scrontab.

Code Block
#SCRON -p high
#SCRON -A uc00
#SCRON -t 1:00

@hourly $DIR/

To have a job run every Wednesday, every other hour during the work day, each of the first five minutes of the hour and again at the thirty minute mark, you would add the following to scrontab.

Code Block
1-5,30 8-17/2 * * wed $DIR/


Modules Enviroment
